About Theophilus

A Passionate Web Developer and WordPress Expert

I am a hard-working web developer with a flair for creating elegant solutions in the least amount of time. Passionate about WordPress CMS. Regular attendee of website hackatons.

I have over 9 years of experience in web development and management, I’ve had the pleasure of working with large corporations, schools, universities, advertising agencies, publishers, law firms, and non-profit organizations.

In 2020 I founded fatSpiders, a WordPress agency focusing on providing premium WordPress support services for individuals or businesses using WordPress CMS to power their website.

I have been so fortunate to build a career on top of WordPress. I’ve contributed what I can to help the WordPress community that has helped me so much. I am a member of WordPress polyglots team (Yoruba locale manager). I am also the corganizer for WordPress Ilesa and Ekiti Meetup Community.

I share WordPress tutorials on my blog and through code snippets and WordPress Development. I’ve presented at many WordPress conferences and community events. If you would like to invite me to speak at your event, do message me

From Start to Finish

From wireframe to design to code. I cover every step of the process in getting a website launched

Why I Am A Better Choice

There’s nothing I enjoy more than designing and developing a good website for nice people. It really is that simple.

I’ve spent many years trying to be perfect in what I do and while I’ll never be perfect, I do my best to come close.

If you’ve got a project you’d like to work on with me just get in touch and we can get to work!

From My Blog